Australia’s new Governor-General, His Excellency David Hurley has been sworn in and outlined his priorities.
In an address at his swearing in ceremony, the new GG opened by acknowledging indigenous Australians, acknowledging them in the Ngunnawal language.
In front of the Prime Minister, Opposition Leader, Chief Justice and an array of other dignitaries, the Governor-General said his focus would be on engaging with community groups.
In my closing speeches as Governor, I highlighted the richness of our society, not a material richness, but a richness of spirit.
I have seen this richness of spirit at work in the people and organisations assisting our veterans, our rural communities under stress, asylum seekers who we have welcomed into our country and our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
There are countless organisations and people demonstrating how ‘rich’ this country is each day. As Governor-General I am absolutely committed to supporting these people in their work.
I know that in doing so I will build on the work of Sir Peter and Lady Cosgrove.
But, the Governor-General was quick to add that he would remain focussed on fulfilling his constitutional and ceremonial obligations representing the crown.
My emphasis on community engagement will sit alongside the critical constitutional role performed by the Governor–General. Australia has an enviable record as a parliamentary democracy. The efficient and effective performance of my responsibilities is an essential element of our democracy and I take on those responsibilities with the greatest seriousness.