Support for Australia becoming a republic has dropped to its lowest level in 42 years. According to a new poll, only a third of Australians are in now favour.
The online Ipsos poll, surveyed 1,222 people across the country and found that 40%were opposed to a republic, under which Australia’s own head of state would replace the British monarchy.
Perhaps surprisingly, support for a republic was lowest among young Australians. Of those in the 18-24 year age bracket, only 26% were in favour, compared to 34% in all other age groups.
In the last three years alone, support for a republic has slipped 16%, according to a 2018 Newspoll.
Ipsos Director, Jessica Elgood, said 34% support for a republic was the lowest recorded by Ipsos and Nielsen polls since 1979.
The Australian Monarchist League said it was no surprise to see that support for a republic in Australia has declined, especially over the past 12 months.
“The ill-considered push for a republic in Australia has completely lost its momentum due to the growing popularity of the royal family, especially amongst young people and new Australians,” said media spokesperson, Jeremy Mann.
“It is evident that the majority of Australians are more than content with keeping with our current system of constitutional monarchy, which has provided stability and accountability since the foundation of our great nation.”